Monday, July 1, 2019

New ARLIS/NA 2018 Notable Graphic Novels Review!

The editors are excited to announce the publication of the first official issue of the Notable Graphic Novels Review on the ARLIS/NA website at

This annual publication will typically review 10 titles, but this year we have 11 due to a tie in voting. The 2018 edition includes reviews of: 

Algeria is Beautiful Like America, written by Olivia Burton, illustrated by Mahi Grand, translated by Edward Gauvin, editing, localization, and layout by Mike Kennedy
Berlin, by Jason Lutes
Brazen: Rebel Ladies Who Rocked the World, by Pénélope Bagieu
My Brother's Husband, Volume 2, by Gengoroh Tagame, translated by Anne Ishii 
On a Sunbeam, by Tillie Walden  
Passing for Human: A Graphic Memoir, by Liana Finck 
The Prince and the Dressmaker, by Jen Wang 
Sabrina, by Nick Drnaso 
Why Art?, by Elanor Davis 
Woman World, by Aminder Dhaliwal, color by Nikolas Ilic 
Your Black Friend and Other Strangers, by Ben Passmore

There is also an Appendix that includes all the other eligible nominations submitted by ARLIS/NA

We appreciate everyone who nominated, voted, and reviewed these titles! Want to get involved? Start reading some graphic novels that are released this year and be on the look out for a call for nominations in early 2020.

Olivia Piepmeier
Tara Spies Smith
Andrew Wang
Notable Graphic Novels Review editors